Sunday, December 5, 2010


Manmade words...
Godmade emotions
Artifcial creations
Scientific reactions
Impractical preparations
Logical valuations
Unimaginable manifestations
Social obligations
Hypocritical actions
Purchased consultations
Social exhibitions
Civil applications
Unnatural pursuations
Egoistic considerations
Human degenerations!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Those who do Charity to trusts,ngos,etc....please remember.....

I have always wondered about the human mind when he thinks of 'charity'. What lies behind the thought of the person who does charity...
It has been an act of human love and compassion that I thought would underline the act. Surprisingly...I have seen a lot of selfish motives which hide beneath the veiled act.

Let me quote a very old explanation in old English>

''Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

I am sometimes taken aback the publicity which accompanies 'charity'. I also wonder about the reason a person talks about how charitable he/she is. This automatically brings to me the thought of the people behind the organization who actually run it. They too are a part and parcel of the act but not necessarily aware of the reasons about the charity made. In some cases they could be too...but the truth remains with them.

Usually charity is spoken of in monetary terms in this man made society. I feel >>>
"Charitable giving is the act of giving money, goods or time to the unfortunate, either directly or by means of a charitable trust or other worthy cause.''

Charity shouldn't involve ''ego,publicity,returns of profit,contest,improperly earned wealth,etc...

Qualified charity is dangerous for the basic purpose. Of course it is the choice of the giver whom,where ,why,what etc... Love for humanity and brethren , compassion,humility should be
the driving force...

The experiences I am having are very frightening...NGOs have to be scrutinised , trusts have to be verified, donors have to checked out, etc.... it is so frightening...

Truth is Love
If there is Love there is charity
If there is no Truth, there is no love..
Therefore there is no charity without their coexistence..

Humans , be aware of your EGO...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Understanding Divine Science - Swami Vikasanand

Lambé maharaj...Swami Vikasanand...was from Nagpur
He set up during his physical presence a number of Ashrams and had his disciples and followers out of whom He had given "Diksha" to a selected few. He was a very Well read , Knowledgeable, Intellectual, Spiritual 'Sadhak' (practitioner of spirituality).
Coming from a simple family he was an insuarance agent, he started his "Sadhana" during his later years and achieved the zenith. The "Shaktis" and the "Maha Vidyas" , Tantra, mantra, Yoga Sadhana, Music,Singing, were a way of life...Those who saw him, knew him,followed him were truly lucky. Blessed were those who could read between the lines,his messages,guidances,actions,thoughts..etc... I always wish I were there...or who knows...I may have already been with him or more so HE was already there with me..

To know about him and his teachings and work , I would recommend you to see these sites:-
and more important:-
Soon approaching is Guru Poornima
As a small contribution I have produced a Music CD for Times Music called "Sadguru".
it is the experience of a "Shishya" Shri Narayandas F Chotiya who has written it's lyrics...
They are all words and thoughts of the Guru "Swami Vikasanandji" whom we all dearly call as "Saahab". He says he has not written the words they have come to him...for he, even though being a professor of Hindi and a poet ...says something of this sort and of all things an "Aarti"
couldn't be composed by him.
The Music Director Shri Anand Modak also says somewhat the same thing....The compositions were never made by him...they came to him and surprised him like a Blast of Wind when he heard the full CD in totality. He was in tears listening to the final product !
I was a spectator and actually present proof to all the experience.I was ..what can I say..
"Blessed" to have been able to become the producer of such an amazing CD "A True Spiritual Experience"
"Sadguru" tells you about what A Guru is and What He gives to the Shishya....
It has to be heard again and again to feel the actual experience..and let the words sink in for their true meaning..
These Sites....and Sound ...will surely help you know about the Divine Science....
My Respects to Swami Vikasanand on this day of 'Ashadi Ekadashi' which coincidentally is also the birthday of My friend,philosopher and guide Mr Narayandas Chotiya who turns 65 today and his "Tithi'' and Birthday coincide.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Proud to be an Indian

I had just finished watching last night's replay of FIFA finals.Surfing for some news I stopped when I saw the Live launch proceedings of ISRO at Shriharikota.I was fascinated and caught unawares.I soon got hooked on to the TV set and for the next hour or so got mesmerized.......

When all was over and the mission completed....I came out of a trance...I was beaming with a grin from ear to ear. It was then that I came to know how well we had succeeded and of how talented our own scientists were. We are so ready to blame on the government when their is a mishap or tragedy....But when there is a success do we give them praise with a simple pat on their backs?

I commend the efforts of all those who have proudly put INDIA on the world map and made us a power to reckon with in Space wonder there are so many of us Indian in NASA..

Here is what is on the net.......

"India's space aspirations received a major boost on this morning when India's indigenously built PSLV rocket successfully placed 5 satellites into orbit. The rocket took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Shriharikota at 9:22 am IST on July 12.

The PSLV C15 carried five satellites, which also included a remote sensing satellite, the Cartosat 2B and one pico satellite called the STUDSAT made by engineering college students of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The other satellites were Alsat from Algeria, two nano satellites from Canada and Switzerland. This launch comes barely three months after the failure of the GSLV D3, which failed to complete its mission and crashed into the Bay of Bengal.

The Cartosat 2B happens to be the latest remote sensing satellite to be launched by India. It joins its siblings the Cartosat-2 and 2A, both of which are currently in service. Alsat from Algeria, too is a remote sensing satellite and tips the scales at 116 kg. The other nano satellites are quite lightweight weighing just six kilos. The satellite designed by the engineering students is even smaller and weighs just a kilo.

Since its first launch in 1994, the PSLV has so far placed 17 Indian and 22 foreign satellites into orbit - making it one of the most successful launch vehicles ever - worldwide."

Please join me in commending the wonderful job done by our fellow citizens of INDIA at ISRO.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reality...TV, an open peek into other lives

I am pretty sure that Television is a great tool to educate and reach out.I am but apprehensive that is is being used properly.
it is being put to a lot of MISUSE
and a lot of M/S use too

The loss of invaluable TIME
The loss of Loads of Money
The Loss of a lot of Energy
The Loss of this in valuable audio-visual medium.
The misuse of human talent
The misuse of opportunity
The misuse of resources
The misuse of Liberty of Expression

The Miss and Mrs. unnecessarily used or exploited is also not proves he is an MCP.

Technology is not bad, it is it's utilization that is bothersome.
Man has a lot of resources given by NATURE...but does he put them to 'Good' use?
Ethics,Morals lacking and the human finds himself worse off than an animal in the wild.

The internet..a great tool !! but look at the rubbish that it is used for..
Making weapons
Killing humankind
Hate and insults
Ego trips
Rumour mongering
Child usurpation
all the wrong reasons....

So it is with all that man invents...
it is time Nature takes over and the balance of overpopulation is met by providential destruction.

I have feeling that man and his made religion will self destruct due to fanaticism.
What goes up will come down...Action and reaction are equal and opposite....will hold true.

TV was made for a good purpose and entertainment has to have parameters.When will we understand.
Money was made for our convenience ... look what we have done with it?
man/woman is ready to do almost anything possible to have wealth....does nature teach you this?
A look into the past will tell you...
man needs very little to live in harmony and peace...Nature provides for everything...

TV is man made and only increases other needs of man..

When will man be able to invent something which is self dependent and self providing:- like NATURE

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Year just Flew by....

2009 will be a year full of good pleasant memories and stark realities.I have grown by leaps and bounds inside,more than out side.What I mean is simple.Moneywise I am the same and so too healthwise.What I received was in depth of fulfillment.I thank who,whatever is responsible for this.
I have made great friends.I have visited ubelievable places and I have been able to help maximum souls.I do miss my father-in-law and the site died an unhappy death.I will miss them till I live.
Over the net I have mde friends from far and wide.I have to congratulate humanity at large foe a lot.I was lucky to see the internet too.It has made the entire world approachable.I couldn't have interacted and come across all these wonderful souls on EONS,,Orkut,Facebook and Myspace....Of course I continue to use MSN hotmail chat and Yahoo chat alongwith gmail and rediff bol. My net surfing has kept me sane and away from any wrong acts which I may have attempted if I had no occupation in my free time.
My family has grown worldwide as my real family is busy doing" their own thing " .This only proved to me that man made relations are artificial after all and reality is different.
I must have travelled miles and touched a lot of hearts.I was shown affection,love,care,concern by people whom I would have never dreamed would.All rules made by man have proved wrong and bared to thier selfish motives.....
Let the world move,do not make your own designs.What is to be will surely be and we might just end up as bystanders.So open your eyes and come to bare reality.Live(ride) with the tide.
Mankind saw a lot of upheaval but it only digs its grave deeper.The negatives that are happening still do not scare it and teach the right way of survival.
The children have grown and Live brings about new surprises.I live the moments as they come forth and that makes time go so quickly.I only hope I get the strength and time to do what I can best. and that is Help myself by Helping others...
Welcome, 2010!!.