Growing up is a process of nature once you are born...isn't it ? What do you do for that? You eat and drink what you are given in childhood and you develop a taste. A taste which reminds you till the end of your living existence. You call it "motherly', 'homely', original ......i.e. close to your heart.
The other tastes you are introduced as per situation,luck,introduction,reading,exposure,chance.
Whatever the reason may be, you have choices and one chooses according to one's liking.Taste cannot be forced neither can liking.It is inborn,ingrained,simply because "each individual is UNIQUE"
Everybody refuses this and makes,insists,forces,reasons, choose or like..this is so irritating and unnatural.Each to his/her own is the law of Nature.The human refuses to accept!
The EGO tries every possible argument ,force,reason,ethics,rule,gimmick, etc.... to make a fellow human do something according to 'his/her' perception!
Al individuals are born with a unique character...i.e. parents,geographical and economic situation,etc....
Their lives are all unique,with their experiences,friends,upbringing,so on and so forth...thereby having unique influences and biases...there may be common denominators but the fraction is a different one always.
''The forced urge and want to 'make' people think,influence and force them,not asking their personal choice,giving them space,chance,options is a big fault of the modern day civilized human.''
Education may give you information and bring you close to knowledge but the understanding,maturity,usefulness,choice,wisdom,etc.....are a far cry away many a times. 'Educational Degrees' do not make a wise human,they you give a better chance of becoming so!
Personal urge,want,lust,hunger,selfish motive like greed,etc.... takes a human from the right path. Easy virtue makes a human weak and suspect.The so called combination of the head and heart goes haywire... Realization is many a times too late!
A big heart and an open mind,simplicity and humility, drowning of the EGO are the tools to be a ''Happy and contented" soul. Both are not tangible but surely manageable.
The other tastes you are introduced as per situation,luck,introduction,reading,exposure,chance.
Whatever the reason may be, you have choices and one chooses according to one's liking.Taste cannot be forced neither can liking.It is inborn,ingrained,simply because "each individual is UNIQUE"
Everybody refuses this and makes,insists,forces,reasons, choose or like..this is so irritating and unnatural.Each to his/her own is the law of Nature.The human refuses to accept!
The EGO tries every possible argument ,force,reason,ethics,rule,gimmick, etc.... to make a fellow human do something according to 'his/her' perception!
Al individuals are born with a unique character...i.e. parents,geographical and economic situation,etc....
Their lives are all unique,with their experiences,friends,upbringing,so on and so forth...thereby having unique influences and biases...there may be common denominators but the fraction is a different one always.
''The forced urge and want to 'make' people think,influence and force them,not asking their personal choice,giving them space,chance,options is a big fault of the modern day civilized human.''
Education may give you information and bring you close to knowledge but the understanding,maturity,usefulness,choice,wisdom,etc.....are a far cry away many a times. 'Educational Degrees' do not make a wise human,they you give a better chance of becoming so!
Personal urge,want,lust,hunger,selfish motive like greed,etc.... takes a human from the right path. Easy virtue makes a human weak and suspect.The so called combination of the head and heart goes haywire... Realization is many a times too late!
A big heart and an open mind,simplicity and humility, drowning of the EGO are the tools to be a ''Happy and contented" soul. Both are not tangible but surely manageable.